April Fools!


Sorry to have ‘got you’ like that…hope you don’t mind!


Whilst you’re here though we’d love to talk to you about a very real experience we are doing at the moment…

The ‘Virtual’ Gin Tasting Experience

(with real gin of course!)


If like us you miss meeting up with your friends for a cheeky gin and tonic at the end of the day then this online gin tasting event is definitely for you.

We've teamed up with the fabulous MicroBarBox to help you get through this period of social distancing.

If we’re not allowed to meet up in person for a gin then let meet online for gin tasting experience instead!

Sound good to you? If so check our our our ‘Virtual’ Gin Tasting Experience page with full details of how it works, what you get and how to book.


Ticketed Tastings and Private Experiences available.